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非看不可的「坐月子」的調理4步驟!Cannot Ignore of the 4 steps of the conditioning of the "confinement"



After maternal pregnancy, the body's vitalityand blood are weak and the resistance is weak. Naturally, it is easy to stop the invasion of the bacteria, and the symptoms of cold and gastrointestinal discomfort will increase. Therefore, in view of the small problems that these mothers are prone to after giving birth, mothers must still formulate rules for eating and living, such as: don't get wind bow, don't eat cold food... and so on. And these are from the Chinese culture in thousand years ago the wisdom of medical theory.

第一階段:促進子宮收縮:清除惡露,藉以促進乳汁分泌。 第二階段:養血、化瘀血:並兼補氣,加強子宮內膜修復。 第三階段:補氣、健脾去濕,調理腸胃,促進吸收以後恢復體力。 第四階段:補氣、養血、益腎:加強骨盆腔恢復,使子宮卵巢機能正常,預防產後腰痠背痛及掉髮。

The first stage: promote uterine contraction: remove lochia, thereby promoting milk secretion.

The second stage: nourishing blood, reducing blood stasis: and energy, strengthen endometrial repair.

The Third Stage: energy, spleen and dehumidification, conditioning the stomach, promote the recovery of physical strength.

The Four Stage:nourishing, and kidney: strengthen pelvic recovery, make uterus and ovary function normal, prevent postpartum back pain and hair loss.

Everyone should also pay attention just eating chinese herbal soup, causing dry mouth, swollen teeth, constipation, too muchdreams, night sweats, etc. others as not to cause prolonged exposure time

大家也要注意,坐月子不要服用太多的生化湯,以免造成惡露時間延長;或是只吃十全大補湯,造成口乾舌燥、牙齦浮腫、便祕、睡眠多夢、盜汗等上火症狀。 各位年輕的媽媽產後調理必須得講究循序漸進,一個步驟完,才進行下一個步驟;一般產婦常碰到長輩要求不要喝水的問題,但「水」是維持生命的重要元素,可以適量攝取,記得要喝溫開水哦!

Young mothers must pay attention to the gradual progress of postpartum conditioning. Once the steps are completed, the next step is taken. Generally, the mother often encounters the problem that the elders ask not to drink water. However, "water" is an important element for maintaining life. Drink warm water!



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